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The Pikestones Neolithic Chambered Tomb, Rivington Pike
Pikestones neolithic burial chamber at Anglezarke Moor
What Lies Buried Inside this 4000 Year Old Cairn?
An introduction to Anglezarke - Vikings, Burial Carnes and DNA
Short but Sweet investigation with W.H.I.T. Rivington.
Exploring the Lead Mines and Round Loaf a late-Neolithic or Bronze Age tumulus at Rivington
Rivington Pike BEAST sighting ?
The Grey Cairns of Camster 5000 year old Neolithic Burial Cairns
Is the Winter Hill Beast Back?
Round Loaf a Neolithic Burial Mound
John Lamb, 'Lancashire – a journey from prehistoric sites to modern wilderness'.
Site 40 Black Coppice Chambered Round Cairn - Anglezarke